Friday, October 15, 2010

Song of the Week: Meredith Brooks - Bitch

"I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed"

What a powerful mantra! Are you comfortable with your inner bitch? Imagine how powerful it would be to accept this part of you. We all have one. You get to glimpse her when someone cuts you off in traffic or someone's mistreating one of your children. Another time she might appear is when you finally get fed up that someone's wasting your time or misuisng your resources. Envision that you're supervising the remodel of your dream kitchen and the contractor keeps delaying the job and giving you the run around. Do you think it would be helpful if you embraced your inner bitch and demanded that he get the job done?

Are there things that you have done that you're not exactly proud of? No one is perfect. Consider how freeing it would be to simply forgive yourself of these things. Make a list of everything that you have ever done that you feel ashamed of. Writing it down gets it out of your head and dissipates the energy around it. Then, actively forgive yourself for each item. Do this nightly for a minimum of 21 nights. In the end, you will feel freer and lighter.

Get your copy of "Bitch" by clicking the box in the right hand corner and downloading it. Listen to it often and experience yourself becoming more empowered each time. Enjoy!

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