Friday, November 18, 2011

Butterfly Book Club Update

So, our 11/12/2011 discussion of "Why Is God Laughing" by Deepak Chopra &  Mike Myers was rescheduled for 12/10/2011. The GREAT news is that this gives you plenty of time to grab your copy, read it (I read it in an afternoon) and join us for the discussion. It's bound to be loads of fun! Go visit HerBookSpace to read the review and if you haven't already, sign up NOW! Don't feel you'll have time to read it with Thanksgiving coming up & all? Join the discussion anyways. It's ALWAYS fun & transformational. *smooch*

Friday, October 14, 2011

It's that time again: Book Club time!!! Our next pick is "Why Is God Laughing" by Deepak Chopra &  Mike Myers. It's bound to be loads of fun! Go visit HerBookSpace to read the review and if you haven't already, sign up now so you can join us for the discussion on 11/12/2011. It's ALWAYS fun & transformational. *smooch*

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Song of the Week: Blessed - Jill Scott

I chose the live version of this song from her performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live because she's such a dynamic singer & seeing her really opens me up to getting into the feeling place of this song. As you listen, remember that you are just as blessed as she is. The true blessings in life are those things that are irreplacable: joy, laughter, good friends and healthy, happy family. Yes, the material is important as well. That all comes from really getting into the feeling place of those immaterial blessings, though. ;)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Relish Your Genius

Recently, my friend Idil posted something on her FB wall about a mistake that she'd made. She was really hard on herself for not initially seeing how simple the solution to this challenge that she'd been racking her brains over all day long. The challenge she was having was a computer challenge and though she explained both the challenge and it's "simple" solution, I am still unclear on exactly what was going on in her computer world. LOL! I am a point, click and type computer user. Anything more challenging than that is beyond my comprehension. To me, Idil is an absolute genius. (This is not Idil's only area of genius. You'll hear more about her genius in times to come;)) I'm certain that if you don't speak HTML, she's a genius to you as well.

I happen to have been able to do Reiki before my first attunement. I remember explaining the sensations that I'd feel in the palms of my hands as I'd pass by a car accident and pray for the victims, to a friend. She was amazed and then began to explain to me that it sounded as if I was practicing Reiki thought I'd never heard of it before. Since then, I've been attuned twice and I still forget that this is a genius of mine. Whenever I practice, I receive great feedback about how relaxed the participant is.

This brought me to the conclusion that we tend to ignore our genius. Just because it's second nature to you doesn't mean that it's not valuable or magnificent. Whenever I practice Reiki, I receive great feedback about how relaxed the participant is afterwards or how great the energy was. Whenever Idil does something computer related for me, I am simply amazed and extrememly grateful. So, what genius are you ignoring? Honor it and see how life changes for you.

Bonus Song of the Week (Saturday Edition): Lazy Song - Bruno M

Happy Saturday!!! I've had a physically and emotionall full week. I've decided to take Bruno's advice and dedicate my Saturday to 'doing nothing at all.' Give it a shot. See how you feel on Sunday. ;) I call them burn out days and I usually schedule them into my week and month. Burn out days are days of intentional 'down time' meant to avert burn out. I always feel refreshed, energized and full of new and creative ideas at the end of a burn out day.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Song of the Week: The Climb - Miley Cyrus

Last night, my children were watching 'Hannah Montana' the movie & this songcame on. Miley Cyrus is not one of my favorite musicians, so I'd never actually listened to the words to this song before that moment. This certainly belongs on your 'Empress Life' soundtrack. Music is salve for the soul. When life feels challenging or even impossible, remember that "it ain't about how fast (you) get there; ain't about what's waiting on the other side; it's the climb!!!'

Here's your mid-week inspiration:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Butterfly Book Club Discussions Resume!!!

The signs are here: school has started, mornings and evenings are getting cooler, Labor Day's just around the corner. Fall's on its way!!! That means it's time for the Butterfly Book Club to start up again. I'm SO excited about our first selection of the fall.

Go here to find out more about what the first pick is (it's JUICY!!!) and access the link to sign up for the discussions. They're always really delicious. *wiggles eyebrows*

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Song of the Week: Get up - Mary Mary

If you're anything like me, you occassionally experience periods of ... blahness where you remember your dreams and passions. A nagging memory is all that they've become, though. On days like that, I find inspiration in songs like this. The rhythym makes me want to move my body and the words stir my soul. This is my kind of affirmation. *giggle*

Here's a little 'hump day' inspiration for you. ;)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Song of the Week: "Beauty in You", Karen Drucker (c) 2007 TayToones Music

Look yourself in the eyes & play this song for yourself. Allow these words to sink deeply into your soul until you believe every word that she's singing here. 'Nuf said. ~Blissings!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Song of the Week RETURNS!!!

If you are not completely & totally in LOVE with yourself, this song needs to become your ringtone, your alarm & your personal mantra. Repetition is key. Listen to it until it becomes apart of your DNA. Play it until you KNOW in the depths of your being that God (your Creator) doesn't make junk. You are absolutely fabulous & amazing simply because you were born. So, get your groove on because, Baby, you were born this way...

Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm Living the LIfe of My Dreams ... & So Are You!

Recently, I was brought back to a conversation that I had 5 years ago with a former business partner. We concluded that at some point in the past, we wanted everything that we had at that time. We longed for it. We dreamed about it and eventually, it came to pass.

I have a notebook that contains everything that I want to be, have and do in my experience here on Earth. I call it my 'Empress Bliss List'. I update it frequently by dating when things have arrived as well as adding new desires. Currently, I'm sharing space with someone & have had an intense desire to move into my own space. Over the past 10 months, this has not come to pass. Eventually, I came to resent the space & the roommate & myself as well for not being able to make this move happen. Then, one day as I was updating my Bliss List, I saw this desire on my list: I live in a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath house with a fenced backyard & all appliances including a washer & dryer. That's EXACTLY where I live right now. In fact, it's even better than I imagined. My front yard looks like a park. My backyard has HUGE beautiful trees. I have been GLEEFULLY banned from cleaning. LOL! My roommate does all of the cleaning. Best of all, for the first 8 months that I lived here, it was RENT FREE!!!

Look at the things in your life. Chances are, there are some things in your life that are just like this. In fact, I'm willing to bet that there are. Share them with us...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Monday!!!

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” ~James Dean

As I was searching for a quote to share with you all today, I came across the above quote and was deeply touched by it. I am really dreaming big these days for HerSpace as well as for my life, my children and what I have to offer to the planet at large. It brings me back to two previous songs of the week. Scroll down and listen to "I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack and "Dream Big" by Jazmine Sullivan. They should get your week off to a delicious start. It surely has for mine. ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Check out the Poetry Space

We now have two beautiful video poems up in HerPoetrySpace. Be sure to check them out by clicking here. After you INjoy the poems, be sure to stop by the artist's websites & show their page some love as well as dropping into the bookstore and picking up a copy of each of their books. Some of them are even available on Kindle. I'm an old fashioned paper & ink kinda girl myself. I like to feel & smell the book I'm reading.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What You're Going Through is the Butterfly Book Club's first selection of 2011 and it is a mindblowing, DNA altering read. You do not want to miss the discussions. Click on the title of the book to order your copy now or click here to order the Kindle version and start reading immediately. Whatever you choose, you may still join us for the discussion on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. CT. In order to receive the conference line number to join the discussion, please send an e-mail to with your name, your e-mail address (please type this into the body of the e-mail) and the answer to the following questions:

1. What would you like to experience from joining this book club?

2. What would you like to create more of in your life?

3. What books have you read or are you interested in reading that are in the personal and spiritual development genre?

We look forward to growing and stretching with you. Warning: if you do not want to be forever transformed, do not read this book for you will never be the same again.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Song of the Week: Katy Perry - Firework

HAPPY 2011!!!

Skiping the song of the week in favor of the Song of the Year:

I've always liked this song. It was not until I began choosing a song of the week that I really payed attention to the lyrics to this song. The first stanza of the chorus really says everything that I want us to embody in 2011:
"You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July"

How many times have you allowed your circumstances to affect your mood, your emtiontal state, the way you treat your loved ones...? I have sank into dark emotional states numerous times because of my emotional circumstances and snapped at my children as well as my former husband. I had no direction "like a plastic bag Drifting throught the wind Wanting to start again." Life whipped me around like a plastic bag too.

I had to make a choice. I could continue drifting or I could ignite. 2011 is a year of illumination for me. What will you choose?
"Baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth."

Want your own copy of Firework? Get it here: