Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Song of the Week: Lee Ann Womack - I Hope You Dance

Typically, I'd provide a clip of the lyrics and give you some delicious take on that snippet. Today, you're getting the whole lyrics because they're SO delicious.

'I Hope You Dance'
~Lee Ann Womack

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
Get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted.
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand beside the ocaean
Whenever one door closes,
I hope one more opens.
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance.

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance...
I hope you dance...

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making.
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
 When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above more
Than jsut a passing glance.

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...
I hope you dance...
I hope you dance...
I hope you dance...

I hope you still feel small
When you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance.

And when you get the choice
To sit it out or dance...
I hope you dance...
I hope you dance...
I hope you dance...

Click the music carousel on the right and download your copy now.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Song of the Week: Meredith Brooks - Bitch

"I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed"

What a powerful mantra! Are you comfortable with your inner bitch? Imagine how powerful it would be to accept this part of you. We all have one. You get to glimpse her when someone cuts you off in traffic or someone's mistreating one of your children. Another time she might appear is when you finally get fed up that someone's wasting your time or misuisng your resources. Envision that you're supervising the remodel of your dream kitchen and the contractor keeps delaying the job and giving you the run around. Do you think it would be helpful if you embraced your inner bitch and demanded that he get the job done?

Are there things that you have done that you're not exactly proud of? No one is perfect. Consider how freeing it would be to simply forgive yourself of these things. Make a list of everything that you have ever done that you feel ashamed of. Writing it down gets it out of your head and dissipates the energy around it. Then, actively forgive yourself for each item. Do this nightly for a minimum of 21 nights. In the end, you will feel freer and lighter.

Get your copy of "Bitch" by clicking the box in the right hand corner and downloading it. Listen to it often and experience yourself becoming more empowered each time. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dream Big: Song of the Week

When I heard this song today, I knew I had to share it with you. Do you have a dream? Is it a big dream? How big is big, really? Oprah had a dream of being able to see a few trees out of her kitchen window. Now, in just one of her homes, there are so many trees that she can't number them. Whatever your dream is, God has something bigger planned for you. You have to do your part, though. As Jazmine says in this song, "...if I don't take the chance, I won't ever get out..." If you don't take action on your dream, you'll never realize it.

I want to take this time to share part of my dream with you. By this time next year, I intend to be fully self-employed as a Divine Toolkit (more to come on this) and completely unemployable. My children are in attendance at First Class Montessori and I'm happily partnered with my divine right mate... Well, I said part, not all. It gets bigger than that.

How big is YOUR dream?

If this song is resonating with you, click the music box in the right column & download the MP3. ;)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Quit Playing...

This is something I find myself saying to my children when I feel frazzled. One day, one of my guides slapped me in the face with how squelching to their spirits this phrase is. At 5, 4 and 2, they're pure play in action. They know nothing else, nor do I want them to know anything else really.

In 'The Secret' Jack Canfield says that his family has a motto (I'm paraphrasing) "If it's not fun, don't do it." At first glance, this looks like an unrealistically hedonistic outlook on life that can only end in disaster. That's not the case at all. In truth, for their family, fun is a high priority, therefore they are going to do what's fun and the Univers is going to match their high vibration with returns of love and prosperity.

For me, the affirmation is, "I do what brings me joy." This allows me to experience joy in the mundane (such as washing the dishes or folding the mountains of laundry created by an active family of four) and this elevated vibration yields me returns of love and prosperity as well. As my wonderful teacher, Minister Valerie Love teaches, Love, Joy & Abundance are simese triplets. Where one goes, the other two follow. If you are experiencing or expressing Love, you are also attracting to yourself Joy and Abundance. If you are experiencing or expressing Joy, you are also attracting to yourself Love and Abundance. If you are experiencing or expressing Abundance, I'm sure that you know that you have Love and Joy also.

Children are made to play. Would we adult learn from their example and add a little more fun or Joy into our lives, the Love and Abundance will surely follow.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Radical Self Acceptance

My manifesting buddy and I have a standing appointment where we get together daily to spend 3 minutes (134 seconds to be exact) creating our next manifestation. In truth, we generally spend the entire hour chatting, sharing tips, tools and tricks and generally uplifting and encouraging each other. Today was exactly this way. Our conversation began with her telling me how she had come to realize a hard, ugly truth about herself. I originally let that part pass but she said it again and the emphasis that she put on ugly urged me to inquire about this truth that she’d encountered about herself. I have to say, I expected something harsher than ‘I’m sometimes judgmental and I only enjoy constructive feedback if it’s what I want to hear.’ I paraphrased, of course.

During the course of our conversation, I realized that what my buddy had done was an act of Radical Self Acceptance. She explained to me how Spirit had revealed these truths to her about herself and how she resisted at first, then accepted the guidance and began making changes in her consciousness as well as in her actions that would support her in changing these undesirable habits. For her, this was a realization that unconditional self love would be beneficial to her at this phase in her journey and you can read all about that at

I believe that with radical self acceptance comes unconditional self love … or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, these two are a really good team. My experience of radical self acceptance came during a period of depression in my life. I was stressed and overwhelmed in every aspect of my life. My boyfriend at the time was very frustrated with me for not keeping the house neat and tidy. In fact, the house was a hot mess. I worked full time, went to school full time, took care of my mother whenever that was necessary and experienced a good amount of stress in that relationship. Adding housekeeping onto my ‘to do’ list just sounded ludicrous.

Well, he was not happy and in the middle of one particular heated argument, he screamed ‘You’re just lazy!’ My response, which rivaled his in intensity, was ‘You’re right!’ That took all the air out of his sails and he did not know how to respond. It was the most delicious argument I’ve had to date. My point is, when you radically accept yourself, no one else has the power to tear you down.

Remember the end scene in ‘8 Mile’ that won him the talent show? He won because he said everything about himself that the other guy could have thought of to use against him, first. That left the opponent with nothing to say. When you fully and completely accept the least attractive attributes of yourself, you are then free to fully and completely love yourself and not a moment before. So take a deep breath and in your next meditation session, ask your Higher Self to show you the Truth about yourself. Accept that these things are apart of your personality and you can learn to love them as a part of you or you can choose to change them into more positive attributes.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Decide to Love Yourself

If you're not totally in love with who you see in the mirror every morning, there are two things that you can do about it. The very first thing to do is to forgive yourself for your misinterpretations. You see, you're absolutely magnificent. I know that about you because I know that every creation of the Universe is absolutely magnificent in it's own unique way. You are no exception to this rule. So, if you're not totally, butt crazy about you, simply forgive yourself.

Now, I know some people who believe that they've done some really unforgivable things and that they're beyond forgiving or even loving. If you happen to be one of those people, I want to tell you that the simple fact that you're reading this is neither mistake nor coincidence. This is a direct communication from your Creator to you to let you know that you've gotten off your path and this is the exit ramp to get back on. Admit that you haven't the foggiest idea how to forgive yourself but that you're willing and ask Heaven to show you how. Then, look around your life for the answer to show up. The answer always shows up.

The second thing to do is make a decision to be a person that you love. Decision is powerful because decision leads to action. That one decision, to be a person that I love, led to this site and these words that you're reading. I fall more deeply in love with myself on a daily basis. Care to join me in this love affair? Head to the mirror and give yourself a big smile and an I love you!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fearless Living

"Being Fearless isn't about jumping out of planes, it is about jumping into life."
~Rhonda Britten - Founder of the Fearless Living Institute

Are you ready to release the fear that's been holding you back? I have learned how powerful it is to experience change in a group of like minded souls that will support you in your change.

Join us on Saturday mornings in the comfort of your own home and our sacred space for a transformational experience. The next Fearless Living Study Group series begins on Saturday, June 12, 2010. E-mail me at to register and receive the conference call number and instructions.

Are you ready?!!?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sacred Space

Sacred space is a specific area designated for the experience of reverence and respect. Here, at HerSpace and Books, an area has been designated to honor, empower and support the feminine spirit. My ultimate intention for your experience here is to revere and respect one another and the space. This is your space. Tell me what you would like to see here. What books would you like available? What classes would you like to see offered? Could you envision this as a physical (bricks and mortar) place? What other resources would you like?